Trump Team Holds News Conference Outside Drab Landscaping Firm, Next to Adult Book Store Daniel Politi Trump first said it was going to be at the Four Seasons. Everyone assumed it was the hotel, but he later clarified it was Four Seasons Total Landscaping. November 08, 2020 at 01:30AM - news

السبت، 7 نوفمبر 2020

Trump Team Holds News Conference Outside Drab Landscaping Firm, Next to Adult Book Store Daniel Politi Trump first said it was going to be at the Four Seasons. Everyone assumed it was the hotel, but he later clarified it was Four Seasons Total Landscaping. November 08, 2020 at 01:30AM

Trump first said it was going to be at the Four Seasons. Everyone assumed it was the hotel, but he later clarified it was Four Seasons Total Landscaping.

from Slate Magazine

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