Trump Crowd Size Underwhelms, Campaign Blames Protesters The Trump campaign promised a massive crowd inside and out in Oklahoma. It was a fairly large crowd inside, though not full, while events outside were canceled with no sizable overflow crowd apparent. (Image credit: Evan Vucci/AP) June 21, 2020 at 02:16AM - news

السبت، 20 يونيو 2020

Trump Crowd Size Underwhelms, Campaign Blames Protesters The Trump campaign promised a massive crowd inside and out in Oklahoma. It was a fairly large crowd inside, though not full, while events outside were canceled with no sizable overflow crowd apparent. (Image credit: Evan Vucci/AP) June 21, 2020 at 02:16AM

Supporters of President Trump

The Trump campaign promised a massive crowd inside and out in Oklahoma. It was a fairly large crowd inside, though not full, while events outside were canceled with no sizable overflow crowd apparent.

(Image credit: Evan Vucci/AP)

from News : NPR

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