Millennials ‘Make Farming Sexy’ in Africa, Where Tilling the Soil Once Meant Shame In Africa, farming is widely considered a synonym for poverty. But university graduates have set out to prove that farming is a future with “bling.” May 28, 2019 at 04:18AM Sarah Maslin Nir - news

الثلاثاء، 28 مايو 2019

Millennials ‘Make Farming Sexy’ in Africa, Where Tilling the Soil Once Meant Shame In Africa, farming is widely considered a synonym for poverty. But university graduates have set out to prove that farming is a future with “bling.” May 28, 2019 at 04:18AM Sarah Maslin Nir

In Africa, farming is widely considered a synonym for poverty. But university graduates have set out to prove that farming is a future with “bling.”

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