Kris Kobach’s Willing to Be Trump’s Immigration Czar if He Gets a Jet, a Future Cabinet Post, a State Named After Him, Etc. Elliot Hannon Kobach kinda wanted to ask to make the Second Amendment the First Amendment, but thought that might be “over the top.” May 21, 2019 at 01:45AM - news

الأربعاء، 22 مايو 2019

Kris Kobach’s Willing to Be Trump’s Immigration Czar if He Gets a Jet, a Future Cabinet Post, a State Named After Him, Etc. Elliot Hannon Kobach kinda wanted to ask to make the Second Amendment the First Amendment, but thought that might be “over the top.” May 21, 2019 at 01:45AM

Kobach kinda wanted to ask to make the Second Amendment the First Amendment, but thought that might be “over the top.”

from Slate Magazine

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